Hi writers! I was looking for a lovely parachuting photo to accompany this post and I found this instead, captioned: "Training the first paratroopers, 1940" and I thought, dang, how scary to be the FIRST paratroopers! How's that for having no guarantee you won't fail? I thought it was a pretty appropriate image for our theme. Of course we have no guarantee, but the point is, those things you really really would do, fantasies aside, what you REALLY would make of your life if you had that guarantee... they're just as vital and important with all the real risks and fears of failure. I loved reading everyone's responses (if you haven't posted yours yet, please leave us a comment throughout the week and we'll grab it). There were serious, soul-searching answers and mighty silly ones, and everything in between. From religion, fear of flying and singing out loud, to inventing a pizza topping that will bring about world peace! Running for office, baking a 14-layer cake, time traveling, working from home. falling in love, writing a novel, joining the Peace Corps, carpentry, art school, travel, learning languages, helping people, adopting babies, being lazy, being loud, being heard... Wonderful, wonderful, the ways dreams spilled out for all to see. We're thrilled with this first scribble, and hope you'll all be back next week! Thank you all!
I've spent today catching up on all I missed by turning my computer off during our big Midwestern storms yesterday. I'm so excited you've made this happen. Congratulations!
This is really cool and I was shy - but I'm leaping in - so here is my scribble
Thanks so much for starting this! I'm loving everyones scribbles.
Thanks for setting this all up - and magic has come out of my scribblings already! thank you!
sooooo many creative people here,
sooooo much fun,
sooooo gonna get a cookie to celebrate!
thanks, thanks, and more thanks :-)
Great metaphor to use the paratroopers for our undertakings! My scribbles this week are "Tuesday" Scribblings...
I'm in now :)
Hi.... this was so much fun.
I love the paratrooper thing! Makes me think of Cate's great story and the incredible leap of faith {as secular paradigm} this prompt was.
This is a great project. Thanks. Waiting for Sundays.... if I can do anything, just tell me {I "create" "art" too, when I do not re-create. If needed it is there - there is a link from my wordie site}
Thanks again....
Ann Marie
This is a quick note for Susan at Soozphotos if you happen to see it -- for some reason I can't comment on your site. When I try to type in the comment box it kicks me over the another site called Tine...something. Even your links go there, like the sidewak artist link. I don't understand it. Anyway, I did want to comment: I loved your parachute art! Has this happened to anyone else?
Ok I am soooo late with this! but here is my trackback link? Is that what you need?
Or here's another link to the post
and last but not least my blog addy!
thanks for doing this! I look forward to the fun!
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