Sunday Scribblings #7: "The books I would write..."
Complete this sentence: "The books I would write..."
Notice it isn't "the books I WILL write." That would be too much pressure. No, this is a daydreaming exercise, pure and simple: Ask yourself, if you were to write books, what kind of books would they be? What genre, and what would they look like, and how would they make people feel? Is there a particular kind of character you would explore, or a world, or a period in history? You don't have to unfold any plots here, but you can if you want. Even if you have no ambition to write books, play along.
For me, this is a fun stress-free brainstorming exercise. I dreamily imagine I'm a hardworking & productive writer, and then I ponder what sorts of books I'll one day write. It's a way of coming at creativity sideways, and it's always fun. But then, I'm a massive daydreamer so it's just my cup of tea. I'm betting you're all massive daydreamers too. So have daydreamy fun!
As a special added challenge for the intrepid: write the first paragraph of your first imaginary book!
When you've written, leave a comment here with the PERMALINK to your post, and we'll link it up. (We're working on getting automatic linking now that there are so many participants - yay! - but for now we're doing the links by hand so make it easy for us by listing your permalink clearly in your comment. Thanks!!!)
1. the bold soul
2. laini
3. carolb
4. ali la loca
5. megg
6. ink on my fingers
7. paris parfait
8. susanlavonne
9. alexia
10. javacurls
11. jennifer (she said)
12. bb
13. jennifer (life's snapshots)
14. patry francis
15. melissa
16. diana
17. in otter space
18. cee
19. cheripop
20. michael
21. catherine
22. lucky candice
23. nutster
24. rebecca
25. kathryn
26. tongue in cheek antiques
27. liz elayne
28. melissa
29. chest of drawers
30. kristy
31. c delia scarpitti
32. maggie
33. hundred and one
34. boliyou
35. susan
36. eeekat
37. a*pril
38. amber
39. brittany
40. brad
41. ian russell
42. melba
43. caroline
44. kate
45. yummyteece
46. nichole
47. marilyn
48. deirdre
49. la yen
50. kerstin
51. ang
52. tinker
53. lunar musings
54. chelle
55. geosomin
56. hobess
57. justjohanna
58. rebekah
59. kristine
60. tara dawn
61. joy eliz
62. m
63. leah k in india
64. mardougrrl
65. john tran
66. little miss flora
67. the scarlet I
68. gk girl
69. lindsey
70. becca
71. verity
72. k
73. yak attack
74. papyrus
Notice it isn't "the books I WILL write." That would be too much pressure. No, this is a daydreaming exercise, pure and simple: Ask yourself, if you were to write books, what kind of books would they be? What genre, and what would they look like, and how would they make people feel? Is there a particular kind of character you would explore, or a world, or a period in history? You don't have to unfold any plots here, but you can if you want. Even if you have no ambition to write books, play along.
For me, this is a fun stress-free brainstorming exercise. I dreamily imagine I'm a hardworking & productive writer, and then I ponder what sorts of books I'll one day write. It's a way of coming at creativity sideways, and it's always fun. But then, I'm a massive daydreamer so it's just my cup of tea. I'm betting you're all massive daydreamers too. So have daydreamy fun!
As a special added challenge for the intrepid: write the first paragraph of your first imaginary book!
When you've written, leave a comment here with the PERMALINK to your post, and we'll link it up. (We're working on getting automatic linking now that there are so many participants - yay! - but for now we're doing the links by hand so make it easy for us by listing your permalink clearly in your comment. Thanks!!!)
1. the bold soul
2. laini
3. carolb
4. ali la loca
5. megg
6. ink on my fingers
7. paris parfait
8. susanlavonne
9. alexia
10. javacurls
11. jennifer (she said)
12. bb
13. jennifer (life's snapshots)
14. patry francis
15. melissa
16. diana
17. in otter space
18. cee
19. cheripop
20. michael
21. catherine
22. lucky candice
23. nutster
24. rebecca
25. kathryn
26. tongue in cheek antiques
27. liz elayne
28. melissa
29. chest of drawers
30. kristy
31. c delia scarpitti
32. maggie
33. hundred and one
34. boliyou
35. susan
36. eeekat
37. a*pril
38. amber
39. brittany
40. brad
41. ian russell
42. melba
43. caroline
44. kate
45. yummyteece
46. nichole
47. marilyn
48. deirdre
49. la yen
50. kerstin
51. ang
52. tinker
53. lunar musings
54. chelle
55. geosomin
56. hobess
57. justjohanna
58. rebekah
59. kristine
60. tara dawn
61. joy eliz
62. m
63. leah k in india
64. mardougrrl
65. john tran
66. little miss flora
67. the scarlet I
68. gk girl
69. lindsey
70. becca
71. verity
72. k
73. yak attack
74. papyrus
I had been waiting for the past few days, telling myself "alright, this time I'll try to post something at Sunday Scribblings!", and I was so excited when I saw that the new theme was up...
However, no matter how hard I try, nothing comes up! This is really NOT as easy as it seems!
All I know though is that I wish I had written "Life: A User's manual" by Georges Perec.
I'll wait another week and in the meantime enjoy other people's wonderful texts!
The above paragraph could actually be that 1st paragraph of a book I would write about "my Sunday Scribblings"...
Count me in again! My Scribblings link is attached to my name. Thanks for another fabulous bit of writing inspiration this week - I just spent a week doing commerical writing for my clients and it was a welcome change in my day to write creatively for myself!
Hmmm, not sure my link worked the first time. Here it is again and feel free to delete this comment after you get the link.
Here is my contribution about the book I would write about my year as an exchange student in southern Brazil.
Here's my offering this week:
early for a change :-)
I think I fixed my safari problem... :)
This was really fun! Thanks again for the inspiration!
Here's mine:
here you go:
Jennifer (she said)
Mine's up too!
bb x
My first time!
My first time!
The books inside me
I'm back!!
Thanks. This was fun!
Here's the permalink - thanks for the great prompt!
So many here already - isn't it still Saturday in the US? Anyway, here's mine:
It's my first time taking part, I had fun doing this
Here's mine! Thanks so much!
lucky candice
Thanks for the's funny the directions these things take. I fully intended on staying on topic.... but then wandered off into why I am NOT going to write a book! Oh well...that is what this creative thing is all about, right?
These prompts get me thinking in ways that always surprise a good way.
Thank you Laini and Meg for all that you are doing to make Sunday Scribblings such a success!!
Here is my link:
I love this!
I'm a Sunday Scribber virgin ...
here's my first attempt
Here is the story that would be:
Thank you for such a creative exercise!
Here's mine for this week!
Ah, what the hell...I'll bite:
My post is up for this week...thanks for the challenge!
Mine's up...thanks for this one!
Mine is up - finally. I found this very, very tough!
It took me a while to get started, but once I got started, I couldn't stop!
Just found this! Here's my entry:
Another great prompt leading to more great memories. Thanks!
Mine may be a little strange, but it's just what came out.
Thanks for starting this little writter's group. It has been fun. ;)
I've already posted my contribution, but I was wondering where I can get the script for the lovely Sunday Scribblings button to add as a link to my blog.
an interesting excersize! Here's my link:
Blogg'n friends.
Please pardon the shameless mothers day plug in this weeks posting.
but i'm not a writer! i just like scribbling... :o0
i had to limber up the old imagination on this one. thanks again. :o)
Here's mine - thanks!
Great topic, maybe this will getting us all writing our books, here is my post,
OH joy... i finally found you (I'd seen some blogs that mentioned sunday scribblings before, but didn't find this page until today... how lucky that's sunday, and the topic spoke to me so).
OOops.. sorry.. here's the link to the specific post.
Hello! Here's my scribble:
Mine's up:
melba's link doesn't work!
you've put in some extra bits at the front of the url. :o)
ditto brittany's! i sound like a right pain, don't i. hey, maybe it's me pc... oops!
This was a good prompt. But then, they all are. Here's my writing.
Thanks for the inspiration again!
Hello! Here is mine:
This is my first posting for Sunday Scribblings. It can be found at
Finally posted!
Thanks for another great topic!
Here I am...
Joy Eliz
here I am!
Here's my 2 cents...
I think I'm on my way to figuring out this permalink thing. See how this goes:
here's mine...
Late, late. I'm so late. But I did do the exercise - and cried a little while doing it - so I might as well let you know, right? Here it is:
Here's mine -
There ya go! Thanks again for a thought provoking prompt!
-Tara Dawn
Sorry, I didn't leave you the full address to this post. It is:
Here's my permalink...
I need to slow down today and actually think about what I'm typing...
Here's my link for this week! Loved this prompt!!
This was fun ... I hope it really comes true some day!
Late, as usual.
Sometimes late, but never never...
i am late
here i am!
great pick this time...
i loved this prompt!
My Sunday Scribbling had to wait until Tuesday, because I was traveling in Washington DC with almost 100 teenagers! Still, I wanted to add my two cents to this week's topic. In only three weeks, I have become addicted to your site. Keep up the great inspiration!
Here's my link...
Here's mine...
a lot of soul searching for this topic!
Mine's at
Great exercise -- I really enjoyed it. I know this is late, but I was just so busy this week! Thanks for Sunday Scribblings!!!
Hi folks, I'm new around here and this is my first offering for you. I hope you enjoy it and I'd be interested to know what you think.
Here's the link:
Here is mine...a tabletop book of photo render each with a title and quote of personal character as I photography them.
The tabletop book I am pulling together. A legacy I can leave for the grandchildren.
I'm submitting this post way after the fact, but I liked the subject and wanted to participate anyway! :)
Very nice! I like it. motorcycle trikes
Maybe I'm not exactly livin' the dream...but at least I'm dreamin' 'em!
Oops. Here's the link to that post
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