
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

#70 - Phenomenon

It was the Harry Potter phenom that brought this word to my mind; you could write your feelings about that -- or any other phenomenon. The cicadas in the US Northeast, the fact that anyone in the world cares what Paris Hilton says or does, a lunar eclipse, Beanie Babies, whatever. What phenomenon has made you say, "Huh." ?

Have fun!

1. xegbp
2. ~kathryn~
3. tiel aisha ansari
4. jayne
5. lucy
6. liza's eyeview
7. elspeth
8. karen travels
9. marie
10. cz
11. autrice deldrago
12. shelley
13. kiah
14. herb urban
15. crafty green poet
16. hope
17. nonizamboni
18. marcy
19. awareness
20. sap
21. mountain dweller
22. kikare
23. ascenderrisesabove
24. dana
25. raymond pert
26. gautami tripathy
27. luke
28. j. matthew saunders
29. kathryn
30. rose dewy knickers
31. paisley
32. thefirecat
33. regina clare jane
34. paul
35. gill
36. kamsin
37. paris parfait
38. tori
39. lissa
40. mandi
41. patois
42. inland empire girl
43. mks
44. mike mc
45. tammy
46. frances
47. bongga mom
48. mardougrrl
49. matthew
50. rose
51. janie hickock siess, esq.
52. forgetfulone
53. footpad
54. rob kistner
55. annie
56. verilion
57. sage
58. lisrobbe
59. kentuckygal
60. clockworkchris
61. jennifer hicks
62. novel nymph
63. january
64. left-handed trees
65. stacy
66. rubyslippers
67. ampersand
68. message from the muse
69. becca
70. remiman
71. wendy
72. roz foster
73. roswellgray
74. lunarmusings
75. laundrygirl
76. sentient marrow
77. redness

Thursday, July 19, 2007

#69 - Wicked

This week's prompt is: Wicked. To some, wicked is a good thing. It is sinful, thrilling, or spine-tinglingly enticing. To others wicked is evil. It's scary and dark and the opposite of all we would want to be. For some the word brings out a twitch of the tail and a wink of an eye. To others, it brings on a shudder and crossed fingers or held breath. Whichever camp you are in, wicked tends toward the extreme. It can't be ordinary if it's wicked!

Where does the word take you?

1. cz
2. kiah
3. sentient marrow
4. xegbp
5. herb urban
6. jennifer
7. ~kathryn~
8. sap
9. saoirse redgrave
10. paul
11. sister ae
12. crafty green poet
13. j. matthew saunders
14. remiman
15. liza's eyeview
16. iwannaeatporkchoptonight
17. redness
18. ian russell
19. ~minutechaser~
20. dailypanic
21. karen travels
22. inland empire girl
23. j
24. gautami tripathy
25. rose dewy knickers
26. cheryl
27. lissa and lissa
28. hope
29. erin
30. annie
31. tori
32. rob kistner
33. luke
34. chelle
35. whatgreatgravity
36. onion
37. kelli
38. regina clare jane
39. mike mc
40. paris parfait
41. kamsin
42. clockworkchris
43. paul
44. steve
45. betty c.
46. marcy
47. lacithecat
48. patois
49. myrtle beached whale
50. awareness
51. novel nymph
52. tammy
53. lucy
54. khambagirl
55. matthew
56. djpare
57. amber
58. giggles
59. marilyn
60. kentuckygal
61. anni
62. jennifer hicks
63. shelby
64. beautiful witch
65. paris parfait
66. message from the muse
67. megan
68. marie
69. dani in nc
70. sonya
71. wendy
72. becca
73. sandie
74. writer on board
75. sundaycynce
76. kj
77. rose
78. forgetfulone
79. andrea leigh
80. autrice deldrago
81. boliyou
82. nonizamboni

Thursday, July 12, 2007

#68 - Hair

The prompt this week is HAIR. Whatcha got to say about that?

[And to answer a question for Andrea and anyone else who has wondered: you do NOT have to be a blogger user to Scribble. When you leave your comment, just be sure to tic the "anonymous" option and then leave your name and link. Thanks!]

1. laini
2. paul
3. sap
4. herb urban
5. crafty green poet
6. ~kathryn~
7. spacedlaw
8. rose dewy knickers
9. cz
10. lissa
11. matthew
12. tori
13. tiel aisha ansari
14. yummyteece and yummyteece
15. dailypanic
16. jennifer
17. thefirecat
18. karen travels
19. annie
20. marcy
21. bug
22. alphawoman
23. gautami tripathy
24. lucy
25. the kitties
26. rob kistner
27. the kitties
28. gill
29. liza's eyeview
30. paris parfait
31. redness
32. kamsin
33. anni
34. awareness
35. brian
36. novel nymph
37. betty c.
38. patois
39. colleen
40. omg
41. sage
42. saoirse redgrave
43. clockworkchris
44. j. s. peyton
45. tammy
46. anna
47. myrtle beached whale
48. arboleda
49. mks
50. inland empire girl
51. terina
52. sister ae
53. mardougrrl
54. raymond pert
55. amber
56. forgetfulone
57. pip
58. catherine
59. j
60. ~minutechaser~
61. writer on board
62. giggles
63. write from karen
64. january
65. stacie
66. cynthia e. bagley
67. tracy
68. chief biscuit
69. remiman
70. jone
71. dani in nc
72. sandie
73. frances
74. nicole
75. tricia stirling
76. kerstin
77. megan
78. boliyou
79. molly
80. bongga mom
81. jennifer hicks
82. thunkful
83. laundrygirl
84. sundaycynce
85. djpare
86. roswellgray
87. rose
88. j. matthew saunders
89. kj
90. becca

Friday, July 06, 2007

#67 - Slippery

The prompt for this week is: Slippery. I won't elaborate. If you sit and think about 'slippery' for a moment, lots of things come to mind! I can't wait to see where you go with this!

1. herb urban
2. bug
3. myrtle beached whale
4. tori
5. liza's eyeview
6. jacqueline
7. the empty vessel
8. annie
9. lacithecat
10. gautami tripathy
11. clockworkchris
12. shelley
13. stacy
14. clare
15. jennifer
16. strauss
17. awareness
18. paul
19. rob kistner
20. lisrobbe
21. arboleda
22. lissa
23. j.s. peyton
24. january
25. patois
26. mks
27. tiel aisha ansari
28. novel nymph
29. kel x
30. megnificent!
31. tricia stirling
32. molly
33. matthew
34. maryam in marrakesh
35. tammy
36. cheryl
37. sister ae
38. vintage housewife
39. stacie
40. kg
41. giggles
42. sonya
43. becca
44. poppy fields
45. deb g
46. beautiful witch
47. jennifer hicks
48. a) remiman b) remiman
49. dani in nc
50. jane poe (aka deborah)
51. megan
52. ampersand
53. cz
54. hundred and one
55. raymond pert
56. j
57. lucy
58. inlandempiregirl
59. moonlight nimi
60. lb
61. laundrygirl
62. sarala
63. djpare
64. sandie
65. roswellgray
66. rose
67. webgrl
68. tania
69. j. matthew saunders
70. forgetfulone
71. ~minutechaser~
72. redness
73. annie
74. jenica
75. nonizamboni
76. daisies
77. mommy2angels
78. smtwngrl
79. s.o.
80. reagan pugh