I know that this one is a bit out there, but sometimes I think that a little fantasy can get our writing juices running faster than just about anything else. How will you suspend reality today?
This is a word that we encounter a lot when we are online. We search for things every day. But I think that the word has a lot more potential than that. What do you make of 'search?'
This is a word that we encounter a lot when we are on line. We search for things every day. But I think that the word has a lot more potential than that. What do you make of 'search?'
Every Saturday (or thereabouts!) we'll post a writing prompt. (No, not on Sunday because then you can post your writing on Sunday!)
You create a piece of writing inspired by that writing prompt.
You post your writing on your blog and leave a comment here to let us know you have participated. (Please try to leave us the perma-link to the actual post if you can!)
We'll publish the links here for people to follow and read!
Need some suggestions?
You could try: a piece of timed writing, a poem, a story, a song, a piece of prose, a list - anything to get your pen moving!