
Thursday, November 30, 2006

#36 - "In the last hour..."

Use this prompt as the beginning of a piece of writing. It can be fiction or fact. You could start right now and write about the last hour or wait until you've come back from a very interesting hour. You could make up what would have been a wonderful hour, or tell us the truth about the ordinary moments in your life. It could be the last hour of someone's life or even the last hour before someone's life began. Do with it what you will.

"In the last hour..."

A note about the Participants List in the sidebar: We often get requests to be put on our sidebar. This list was one that was made at the beginning of this adventure. Some of those people no longer participate, some still do, and there are people who come every week who are still not there. As Laini mentioned a few weeks ago, we are currently in the process of creating a brand-new Sunday Scribblings site!! We hope to get it up and running soon, so in the meantime, please be patient with our current sidebar. The new site will take care of that list all on its own. (YaY!)

Happy Scribbling!

1. alexandra seraphine
2. shelley
3. kamsin
4. bice sagan
5. jennifer
6. maisymac
7. ~michelle~
8. sinclair
9. xegbp
10. roadchick
11. lucy
12. elspeth
13. desert rat
14. ~kathryn~
15. gipsy life
16. bruja bella
17. jane poe (aka deborah)
18. swampgrrl
19. footpad
20. bill
21. the bold soul
22. jane
23. susanlavonne
24. chad simpson
25. mommy
26. diana
27. northern lights
28. ti
29. michelle
30. bug
31. ascenderrisesabove
32. novel nymph (part one) and novel nymph (part two!)
33. brittany
34. melba
35. n l kyle
36. bohemian girl
37. papyrus
38. jessie
39. gogo
40. mike mc
41. tinker
42. inconsequential
43. melissa
44. jemima
45. january
46. acumamakiki
47. ren.kat
48. paris parfait
49. g
50. supa anhanh
51. verity
52. windy roads
53. megan
54. a*pril
55. alpha woman
56. remiman
57. greenish lady
58. left-handed trees
59. mandi
60. bella
61. kristine
62. b/sistersshoes
63. rach
64. cynthia
65. nuttersnotes
66. autrice deldrago
67. jess
68. deirdre
69. rose of sharon
70. giggles
71. miss meep
72. yummyteece
73. leonie (chocolate covered musings)
74. rethabile
75. stacy
76. cheryl
77. sundaycynce
78. sarala
79. marilyn
80. jone
81. trice
82. la vie en rose
83. rose
84. pluto
85. wendy
86. blackdaisies
87. lara lorelei
88. pip
89. sam
90. amber
91. sheryl
92. my backyard
93. annieelf
94. zandria (keep up with me)
95. pip
96. r's musings
97. anu
98. khambagirl
99. floraine kay

Thursday, November 23, 2006

#35 - Nemesis

Do you have now, or have you ever had, a nemesis? According to Xegbp, having a nemesis can really spice up one's life. It seems to work for superheroes! This might be a lighthearted and silly exercise, or you might truly have an arch-enemy to write about. If you don't, you might consider who among your acquaintance would make the best nemesis. Have fun! (And you might read Xegbp's original post here -- I hope she doesn't mind!)

1. ian russell
2. verity
3. flood
4. kamsin
5. nutter's notes
6. jennifer
7. herhimnbryn
8. kay
9. inconsequential
10. gogo
11. papyrus
12. ren.kat
13. maggie
14. jayne
15. paris parfait
16. merlin
17. ascenderrisesabove
18. repeater
19. diana
20. g
21. michelle
22. dorinny
23. becca
24. --jenna
25. insightful writings
26. mary-lue
27. wendy
28. jane poe (aka deborah)
29. delena
30. greenishlady
31. daisy lupin
32. bruja bella
33. gipsy life
34. crafty green poet
35. cynthia
36. stacy
37. ti
38. r's musings
39. my backyard
40. cynthia e. bagley
41. michelle fry
42. jemima
43. bumble-bree
44. rethabile
45. giggles
46. shelley
47. n l kyle
48. remiman
49. lucy
50. brittany
51. forgetfulone
52. djpare
53. deirdre
54. sundaycynce
55. kim g.
56. leonie (chocolate covered musings)
57. amber
58. pluto
59. doe
60. meredith
61. marilyn
62. michelle
63. pluto
64. briliantdonkey
65. rose of sharon
66. sarala
67. la vie en rose
68. jone
69. zandria (keep up with me)
70. karen the neid
71. novel nymph
72. krista
73. khambagirl

Thursday, November 16, 2006

#34 - Hero (see note!)

This week's prompt is centered around the word 'Hero.' You can choose any of these variations: hero, heroine, my hero, my heroine, or you can just use the word as you like.

Please follow these guidelines:
1. The link you leave must be to a new post that you have written based on the prompt.
2. Please leave a link to that post as a permalink in the comments. On Sunday Scribblings a permalink will look like a web address NOT like your name hilighted in the comment box.
3. Anyone is welcome to participate! If you have any questions, please refer to previous posts as they have probably been answered there!

Happy Scribbling!

1. xegbp
2. maisymac
3. ti
4. sarala
5. n l kyle
6. elspeth
7. rose of sharon
8. rethabile
9. ian russell
10. [a}sma{m]oiz
11. ptcakes
12. bernard
13. jane
14. annieelf (on last week's prompt) and annieelf for this week!
15. ~michelle~
16. r's musings
17. autrice deldrago
18. jenna
19. rena
20. shelley
21. papyrus
22. mommy
23. deirdre
24. catherine
25. becca
26. alphawoman
27. ascenderrisesabove
28. g
29. zandria (keep up with me)
30. inconsequential (has given themselves an 'R' rating :)
31. kate
32. twilightspider
33. january
34. meredith
35. bug
36. vinny
37. b/sistersshoes
38. liz elayne
39. colorsonmymind
40. jane poe (aka deborah)
41. mike mc
42. pip
43. diane
44. stacey
45. greenishlady
46. cynthia
47. stacy
48. the quintessential feline
49. left-handed trees
50. marilyn
51. remiman
52. cynthia e. bagley
53. jone
54. my backyard
55. wendy
56. giggles
57. lara lorelei
58. kamsin
59. aithbhreac
60. nuttersnotes
61. miss meep
62. paris parfait
63. yummyteece
64. the bold soul
65. lori-lyn
66. delena
67. melba
68. pluto
69. khambagirl
70. sundaycynce
71. mary-lue
72. diana
73. la vie en rose
74. ali la loca
75. black daisies
76. bella
77. bohemian girl
78. rose
79. forgetfulone
80. jayne
81. sioux
82. skyelark
83. karen
84. krista
85. karen the neid
86. mike mc
87. mystical moon
88. jemima

Friday, November 10, 2006

#33 - "I don't want to be a passenger in my own life."

The prompt this week is a quote: "I don't want to be a passenger in my own life." (Diane Ackerman)

Examine that any way you want. And as a little bonus if you feel like it: what's a favorite quote of yours?

A few ground rules, as more and more new scribblers find their way here:
1) Please write about the prompt.
2) Please write and post something new, rather than linking back to an old post that has to do with the promt.
3) Please leave your permalink. See how other people have done it.

Thanks everyone! And some exciting news: Meg's wonderful boyfriend Mark has been building us a real website as a surprise! Some of you already found if by mistake. We hope to have it fully functional soon, complete with automatic linking and other fun bells and whistles. Thanks Mark!!!

1. a dyke...
2. meg4meg
3. javacurls
4. desert rat
5. mommy
6. ang
7. papyrus
8. paris parfait
9. alphawoman
10. ian russell
11. ~ana~
12. nuttersnotes
13. ren.kat
14. laini
15. twilight spider
16. ascenderrisesabove
17. donatesomerum
18. rena
19. djpare
20. kate
21. michelle fry
22. repeater
23. g
24. n l kyle
25. catherine
26. shelley
27. rose of sharon
28. jennifer
29. kerstin
30. ~michelle~
31. charlea
32. inconsequential
33. maggie
34. becca
35. forgetfulone
36. mike mc
37. sarala
38. skyelarke
39. alexandra seraphine
40. elspeth
41. january
42. kamsin
43. bella
44. zandria (keep up with me)
45. r's musings
46. (ni)mo.ni
47. star
48. cynthia e. bagley
49. megan
50. mandi
51. kamsin
52. crafty green poet
53. maisymac
54. daily panic
55. tara dawn
56. marilyn
57. left-handed trees...
58. b/sistersshoes
59. julia
60. tangerine
61. amber
62. the bold soul
63. brad
64. giggles
65. rethabile
66. brittany
67. jayne
68. deirdre
69. mel
70. all on paper
71. karen
72. leonie
73. daisy lupin
74. gogo
75. stacy
76. jane poe (aka deborah)
77. sundaycynce
78. rose
79. sarahtar
80. delena
81. ali la loca
82. autrice deldrago
83. yak attack
84. colorsonmymind
85. tanaya
86. --jenna