#28 - An Assignment
This week's post is a little different because we are going to give you an assignment. Writing is such a solitary exercise. Usually it's you and your pen/ computer/ pencil/ paper. We often have people quickly scribbling because they are 'going to be away for the weekend.' Well this week we are sending you out into the world to do a bit of reconoitering before you participate.
Assignment - go out into the world armed with your notebook and a good pen. (Bits of paper and napkins are good in a pinch, but as this is a proper assignment, you need to take this seriously.) Find a fairly public place and loiter a bit. People watch for a little while, paying attention to the people who walk by. Watch until you have found someone who you think would be a really good character. Make notes, observing what they look like: their mannerisms, their outfit, their actions, their facial expression, hair colour, etc., etc. Then and only then, return to your computer and provide us with a character sketch. Describe them to us. Who are they? What do they do? What are they afraid of? Where are they going? What do they look like? Help us to get to know them. What sort of piece of writing could they be a part of?
(Then you could write it!)
Newcomers are always welcome - see previous posts to see how it works.
Happy Scribbling!
1. alyndabear
2. papyrus
3. maisymac
4. dailypanic
5. revmerrill
6. dorinny
7. ~kathryn~
8. ascenderrisesabove
9. autrice deldrago
10. kamsin
11. michelle
12. tongue in cheek antiques
13. belle
14. melba
15. megan
16. catherine
17. b/sistersshoes
18. forgetfulone
19. hundred and one
20. pip
21. gogo
22. tinker
23. lori-lyn
24. pacian
25. becca
26. gemma
27. jerri
28. marilyn
29. lara lorelei
30. paris parfait
31. propter doc
32. remiman
33. daisy lupin
34. javacurls
35. brenda
36. mandi
37. twilightspider
38. cOffeebean
39. samantha
40. la vie en rose
41. rose
42. ti
43. patry francis
44. the bold soul
45. january
46. deirdre
47. shadow
48. yes is a world
49. yak attack
50. sundaycynce
51. annieelf
52. pip
53. meredith
Assignment - go out into the world armed with your notebook and a good pen. (Bits of paper and napkins are good in a pinch, but as this is a proper assignment, you need to take this seriously.) Find a fairly public place and loiter a bit. People watch for a little while, paying attention to the people who walk by. Watch until you have found someone who you think would be a really good character. Make notes, observing what they look like: their mannerisms, their outfit, their actions, their facial expression, hair colour, etc., etc. Then and only then, return to your computer and provide us with a character sketch. Describe them to us. Who are they? What do they do? What are they afraid of? Where are they going? What do they look like? Help us to get to know them. What sort of piece of writing could they be a part of?
(Then you could write it!)
Newcomers are always welcome - see previous posts to see how it works.
Happy Scribbling!
1. alyndabear
2. papyrus
3. maisymac
4. dailypanic
5. revmerrill
6. dorinny
7. ~kathryn~
8. ascenderrisesabove
9. autrice deldrago
10. kamsin
11. michelle
12. tongue in cheek antiques
13. belle
14. melba
15. megan
16. catherine
17. b/sistersshoes
18. forgetfulone
19. hundred and one
20. pip
21. gogo
22. tinker
23. lori-lyn
24. pacian
25. becca
26. gemma
27. jerri
28. marilyn
29. lara lorelei
30. paris parfait
31. propter doc
32. remiman
33. daisy lupin
34. javacurls
35. brenda
36. mandi
37. twilightspider
38. cOffeebean
39. samantha
40. la vie en rose
41. rose
42. ti
43. patry francis
44. the bold soul
45. january
46. deirdre
47. shadow
48. yes is a world
49. yak attack
50. sundaycynce
51. annieelf
52. pip
53. meredith
Thanks everyone :)
Here's my contribution for this week: http://my-thoughts-for-a-penny.blogspot.com/2006/10/outdoor-assignment.html
people are my favorite subject to write about. http://dailypanic.blogspot.com
I figured it out! http://dailypanic.blogspot.com/2006/10/few-minutes-of-freedom.html
The UnAssignmentis what I wrote.
I'm sorry it's not about a person. I'm homebound with illness this week, and I don't plan on going out for a few days, if not a week, unless things get better with my immune system.
Here's mine.
this was FUN !!!
IGNORE THAT - sorry !!!
here is mine
Here you go:
This is not politically correct, but I see it as the way things can be all too often. Our backgrounds and choices can destroy us if we let them.
Marcel Pagnol Marseille encourages characters everyday, here is one of them.
The Thin Man by http://ringobell.blogspot.com/2006/10/thin-man.html
this was fun...thanks!
Here's my contribution
Enjoyable ~ Thanks
my response to this assignment.
I enjoyed this one!
Playing catchup. I'm requesting an extension on my assignment, and handing on my 'Skin' piece one week past deadline!
ha, i'm getting into the swing of things again.
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Turning in my homework on time for once! Here's my assignment:
in the park
I will refrain from pirate-related comments while providing my permalink this time. Avast:
Here's mine:
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Mine is at:
To the curators of Sunday Scribblings: THANK YOU.
Considered myself a writer since I was 11. Have published more than two dozen books. Actually make a living as a writer and editor. Non-fiction.
Despite all this, have always believed I can't write fiction. Even in my sleep, insistent voices have urged me to try for years, but I've resisted totally. Until today.
Writing in response to your prompt, I found out I not only can do it, but LOVE IT.
You put an end to 41 freakin years of fear.
Your work changes lives. Wanted you to know that today, it changed mine.
From the heart of my heart, I thank you.
Here's my post:
My post for this week
Phew! That was actually quite difficult because I find it difficult to find the time to just sit and observe, as much as I love doing it. Here it is: http://propterdoc.blogspot.com/2006/10/elemental-dear-watson.html
Here's mine:
Here's mine, slightly different take on it.
Here's Mine:
Okay, I'm on time this week, at least...
And can you add me to the Participants' list? I've been additcted since week 21...
Whoop! Scribbling it is...
Thank you for this great assigment!
You guys push me and I love it!
Great assignment. Thanks again.
Better late than never.
Well, it's not quite the assignment, but here it is.
This week's assignment
A day late, a dollar short.
Here's mine. While I knew what I wanted to write about, it took several attempt to figure out HOW I wanted to write it.
Here is my scribbling for this week. When I read the assignment, I thought it would be a piece of cake, because it is an assignment I have made before to my students. But because of a fully planned, very involved weekend, I had no real chance to observe strangers. This is about an experience I had a month or 2 ago with a new person I had to work with. Hope I touched on all the details the asssignment wanted us to include.
Here's mine. I didn't want to write about this, but it left such an impression in my mind. It's about a car accident.
Oh! Never done this before, but appreciated the prompt!
Am late with this... find it here
Many thanks
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
I already had someone in mind...
Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
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